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Point of origin

Updated: Aug 25, 2021

If you're looking for a date specific, historically accurate, and an elaborative blog of the history of computers, you're in another website. What do you expect from a college freshman am I right? However, if you're in to the most informal way of elaborating one's point of origin on how the computer was even made, then you're in for a treat. Speaking of treats, I'd like to take you on a quest to the most grandma of grandmas, during the time of the pre- mechanical computing.

  • The pre-mechanical computing let's go back to the 3000 bc where scrolls were a thing and the ten commandments written in a clay tablet was the actual standard and the rising of the information technology. I know what you're thinking, clays? ten commandments? 'these aren't related to technology at all' well you're wrong. It is. Technology does have complex data arrangements and algorithms but before it even went into a mass majority of complexity it first had its stepping toll as a manual utility. Time is on of the greatest power a man could ever dream of, therefore time enable everything to process everything. Throughout time, computers and even inventors learned to progress itself like the easy tools that we use today. Everything in the 3000 BC and 1450 A.D, their way of communicating with each other were utilized in carved stones, walls, sands, and mathematical methods such as counting through the use of fingers. ONE EXAMPLE: is the Abacus by Tim Cranmer in the 1300 BC -this is a mathematical utility where in a column with a certain number of beads represent a certain number of digits. Whether it is ones, tens, even hundreds. and the Jacquard's Loom by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1801 allows complex patterns to be woven The punch card accorded to the loom's system enabled a foundation for modern computer programming.

  • ELECTRO MECHANICAL COMPUTING between 1840 and 1940 this was the beginning of telecommunication. Several inventions were discovered by this era such as radios, Morse codes, and telephones. Media has been popularized in this era through the use of wide range telecommunications where you can easily phone up anyone from your neighborhood. Inventors: ANALYTICAL ENGINE Charles Babbage(1837) Analytical Engine This was the first design of a general purpose computer. it's program was inspires by the Jacquard's loom punch cards which enables to process data and or other programs. TURING MACHINE Alan Turing (1936) The cells on a tape represents a certain line of colors. Its is an abstract of a computational device ZUSE Z3 Konrad Zuse (1941) The z3 was built on vacuum tubes as switching elements. It's purpose is to assign values one by one to variables. Electronic Digital computing INVENTORS: Prof. John Vincent Atanasoff Atanasoff Berry Computer (1942) This was the first automatic digital computer ever made in the history of technology. It was neither programmable nor Turing complete. The famous ENIAC machine in 1947 was derived from it. THE ABC or Atanasoff Berry Computer's function was to solve a system's linear equation. Thomas Harold Flowers (1944) Colossus. This is a set of computers that uses vacuum tubes to be able to perform Boolean and counting operations. This was the first programmable digital computer although it was programmed by switches and plugs and not by stored programs. Prof. Howard Aiken (1944) Harvard mark 1 Built and designed by a Harvard physics professor and built by IBM, Harvard mark 1 occupies the size of a room and is a relay based calculator. This computer contains a series of mathematical tables. ERA 1101 Remington Rand (1950) The first commercially produced computers bought by the US navy. this was for a high speed computation and stores 1 million in its magnetic drum. So that's the most simple way of naming the foundations of why a computer looks like a computer now. It's a series of perceptions of people's minds on how the develop and redevelop, program and reprogram every device throughout the years.

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